Wild Wolf Workshop by David Hemmings
We are very excited to host David Hemmings Photo Tours and the photographers for 9 nights at Eagle Bear Lodge. Last year was a great...

Lynx near Eagle Bear Lodge
What a delight photographing a Lynx with David Hemmings near Eagle Bear Lodge. Winter provides wonderful wildlife photo opportunities...

Bald Eagles near Eagle Bear Lodge
With the temperature at -1C today and the day full of sunshine, we decided to photograph bald eagles near Eagle Bear Lodge. There are...

Moose resting at Eagle Bear Lodge
We had a visit this morning from a mother moose and her baby. Since we have seen them regularly during the winter at Eagle Bear Lodge, we...

Great Grey Owl visits Eagle Bear Lodge
We haven't seen any Great Grey Owls in the last couple of weeks and thought they might have left the area until this morning. A Great...

1,2,3! Moose this morning
What a great way to start the morning with not one, but three moose enjoying the wolf willow shrubs at Eagle Bear Lodge. The older mother...

Lots of Snow! Eagle Bear Lodge
This week we were happy to receive 12 inches of snow. Eagle Bear Lodge and cabins are looking like a winter wonderland. We are expecting...

2 Great Grey Owls - Eagle Bear Lodge
What a lovely sight to see! Not one, but TWO Great Grey Owls within 5 minutes drive from each other. Located on a tree top on the side...

Moose visit Eagle Bear Lodge
Two young female moose visited Eagle Bear Lodge in the early morning yesterday. Enjoy the winter activities and wildlife viewing...

Welcome Ermine!
We have a new winter guest at Eagle Bear Lodge. Cute as a button, this ermine has decided to create a home along the nature trail by the...